Post-Hoax Fan Mail

Hey Matt,

Just wanted to congratulate you on getting so many people all worked
up. I saw your site last week and passed it around (as most people
did) to different people I thought would either find it funny or have
some kind of moral objection. Sex is a hot topic with my friends since
we are all around 18-22 years of age and most people are still trying
to figure out what they want.

I just found it funny that people got so personally involved with you
and your story, and then ditched you in a second. Or actually got
angry at you, like if you were their best buddy who had lied to them.
Makes you wonder what kind of a sad life we all live. Mind you i
wouldn’t be any better because I’m emailing you aswell, which would
show the personal bond I have made to you too.

All in all good job. I don’t care if its true or not. Thanks for
providing us all with a little scandal we’ll all remember into

u r the man dude fuck the Toronto Sun Reporter they probably are  virgin and they got jelous that u was about to get laid and they’re not… man keep it up and make a similar site and u see how idiot people are…

Its too bad you weren’t a sociology student, this site would have made for a very interesting study. I’m forwarding some of the comments on to you from people that I sent the link to:

What a fag! I hope he never gets laid. Do it yourself you lazy shit!!!

Poor bstard. Now 2.5 million people know he’s a virgin and has to bribe a chick for sx….

great idea

Its interesting to see the dichotomy of answers. Someone should run with it and make it into a MA thesis. Just a thought.

PS. Thanks for making people take a second to think. Too many people take things for granted. No one seems to realize that 80% of what we see and read in the news is manufactured. People need to take control of the information out there. CNN is no longer the trusted news service it once was.

Very nicely done!

I’m not really sure how to feel about this gag… but
I love a good burn as much as anybody. Still it’s nice
to see that somewhere near 3 million people are
willing to come together to get some guy who doesn’t
technically exist laid. Perhaps there’s some hope for
the rest of us compu-geeks, and the lesser laid
individuals of the world!

Once again, Nice marketing scheme!

What the hell are you apologizing for? It isn’t illegal to just generally tell a lie, particularly on the internet. I don’t see why you should apologize because sensationalist tabloids like The Toronto Sun deemed a story about a 25 year old virgin more newsworthy then so many other, more important ones. Like why is a Canadian Army in Afghanistan? What’s going on in Darfur and why is no one helping out? If anyone owes the world an apology, it’s the Toronto Sun, for being a generally shit newspaper.

Look at it this way – you lied on the internet. You proved an interesting point & embarrassed the media which stopped performing it’s intended purpose ages ago and has since then gone on to utterly fail us all at ever increasing levels. Wow! You should be receiving an award and not a reprimand.

And to everyone chastising Matt for this little experiment – THERE IS CHILD PORNOGRAPHY ON THE INTERNET AS WELL AS FAKE AND SUPPOSEDLY REAL SNUFF FILMS. Yet ‘’ is where you all decide to speak out against unethical and immoral behaviour?

Matt, I think your site has proved another very valid and frightening point… ..we’re surrounded by idiots.

Good work and I wish you all the best in your future endeavours.

Just heard about today and wanted to check it out. Bummed to see it not really there. So was it a hoax, an experiment? lol My wife just asked me where was the pic of “the girl” that Adam Curry talked about on his podcast (Daily Source Code).

So what’s the story? I can’t seem to find what really happened. Regardless Geoff or Matt, you made some internet news, and that is a phenomenal thing. Kudos man!

I think it is marvelous. The marketing thing. The whole thing was brilliant and fun and worth a few laughs. You are a very creative and spontaneous person to have been able to create it and kudos to you for that!

Dude thats the funniest shit i have ever read.  Although i’m a little disappointed about it not being really I can apreciate the humour of the entire situation.  Well good luck with all the hate mail.  I wouldnt feel bad about it though people are suckers for just about everything and atleast they didnt lose any money on this.

You just punk’D over three million people, certainly not something
that someone pulls off every day. This whole episode just reveals the
herd mentality of internet community. I’m sure that if you start a
similar site a month from now, you would end up with just as many
junkies believing in and supporting your story. Keep on fooling the
free world.
Well done….you created a huge international buzz & lit up the net.

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